We stopped in Birmingham for lunch. Maggie's request: Dairy Queen. We also stopped at our friends, Bob's produce stand. He is set up on the side of 280 in the Lloyd's parking lot. So, if your looking for peaches, cantaloupe or fresh tomatoes, GO THERE! It's so cute!
Next we stopped in Nashville to look at a house with Molly! It is so weird that we're at the point in life to go house hunting! I can't believe it. Alix was such a trooper to stick with us the whole time. We made it to Rock Island around dinner time. It was so refreshing to be reunited with Auburn Friends as well as getting to know their high school friends. Such a sweet time to celebrate Sarah and share memories together. We spent Saturday tubing and skiing on the river- SO Much fun. To my own surprise, I actually skied for the first time since I was probably 10. That was really fun, I really didn't think I could do it.
I am so thankful for the friendships I have made over the past 4 years of my life. It is amazing the way the Lord brings people together and builds relationships on his foundation. I am so blessed to have such an abundant amount of Godly girls in my life. From 3 years of age until now the Lord continues to bring people into my life to help me grow in him and love them through his grace. I am so grateful for this.
Sunday I left Rock Island to head to Smith Lake where my family was spending the weekend. On the way to the lake I was talking to Cappy and realized I was driving through Huntsville! So I stopped at her house to hug her and grab a diet coke! Seeing Cap was SUCH a treat! At Smith Lake we tubed, ate, swam, ate, skied, ate. It was great. I am so glad I was able to spend time with the family as well as my friends this weekend! They are such a mess and always so fun. Gracie and Anna LOVE tubing so we stayed on the tubes for most of the day.
so... Class started back today and I am currently just listening to the rain. Hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!
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