Tuesday, May 3, 2011

overwhelmed by "Stuff"

I haven't been able to blog over the past few days, I come to the page and am left speechless each time. The thought of scrolling through my blogs, finding cute outfits, great DIY ideas and watching peoples "perfect" lives has left me SICK in the midst of all that is happening around us. It all seems so "wordly" in comparison. Tornadoes have come through and taken away everything that people knew familiar. They have taken lives, food, shelter, clothing. People have been left with absolutely nothing. Justice has been found for America, after 10 years of fighting for it. This happens all over the world, every day, and I ignore it. I continue on with my little life, going to work, shopping, eating good food, enjoying things. I'm tired of getting wrapped up in it. I know this is a human struggle and I know I will struggle with "stuff" for the rest of my life. But things like tornadoes, war, floods, and death sure do give me a reality check.


"At this:"A tornado came through Job's house, took his family and his shelter. His response? Worship. Can you believe it? I want that kind of faith. I want to know that when life hits, I can take it and worship God because of it. It's horrible to think of all the people who have lost everything, especially the people they love. And I can not imagine how they must feel. But part of me thinks, isn't it in those places of nakedness, that we cling to him most? The "Stuff" is such a distraction from my walk with the Lord. And to be stripped of it all? I would only hope my response would be worship to him. We were born into the world with nothing and we will leave with nothing.

Praying that those who have been affected by these storms will find rest and peace in HIM who is greater than all of the "stuff"

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