Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Countdown for the week.

1. Anyone else love the sweet sounds of Ellie Holcomb? You may know her from Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors.  Well, Ellie just released a solo EP, an it is precious.  It is called Magnolia and is made up of beautiful love songs to Jesus.  You are sure to love it.

2. So in addition to buying KREE's EP, buy Ellie's too. :)

3. I've de-cluttered my desk and am working on a lamp and wall decor... here is the update:

4. I've been working on some notecards for a few people recently.....Let me know if you'd like some ... or even a blog header! My friend Jessica recently asked me to design her one and it was so fun! see below!

5. I have just started volunteering with the youth ministry at my church! I will be leading a community group of 9th grade girls! We are officially getting started tonight! Prayers would be appreciated. I am SUPER pumped about being able to fellowship with highschoolers.  I am definitely a youth group junkie and am really excited about loving on youth, like people loved on me!

6. I am DIGGING allll of Anthro's latest shoes.  Lace and I went to the Anthropologie Accessories store this weekend and died at all the shoes. Rob gave me these for my birthday.... (he's good)

and I am dying to make Lacey by these:  We actually BOTH fell in love with these navy wedges.

And these shoes... well they are Sam Edelman and I am LOVING them.  Who would have EVER thought tassled, loafer pumps would come back in style! Well guess what? They're here for Fall.

(Sorry for the butt shot)

7. Missing my family real bad and Sadie, our pup, have you met her?
Gracie was recently asked to draw her favorite place in the world... and she drew, the local mexican restaurant, love that girl. 

That's all folks! Happy Hump Day.


  1. So many thoughts about this post! I laughed out loud at you calling yourself a "youth group junkie" but that is so great that you are leading a small group, you will be great at that. Love your "hand made" designs so much! I can't wait to see it take off!

    Also you've inspired me to fix my desk! My office is a dumping ground for all junk! Maybe if I make it cute people won't put their junk in here anymore!

    Miss you!

  2. love this and love those wedges.

  3. Oh how I miss you! Special prayers for tonight! Mom
