Tuesday, September 13th: Ben Rector's new cd came out. BUY IT.
Wednesday, September 14th: My small group girls decided they wanted to read through a book.... We're reading Authentic Beauty. So far, it's wonderful. Looking for an encouraging read about being a woman? Pick it up, it's by Leslie Ludy.
Thursday, September 15th: Rob and I ate Mcdougals, the MOST delicious chicken finger restaurant in the world. And believe me, I've had a lot. Their fries are UNTOUCHABLE.
Friday, September 16th: Happy Hour at Cinco de Mayo... with these girls... Then a romantic evening at Love Circle.

(uh hem)
And let me tell you... the day just kept getting better.... wait for it....
That's right... the Taylor Swift Concert!!!! My biffle, Taylor, invited us to her CONCERT! In the above pictures, we were trying to be Cover Girls like Taylor. Lace and I definitely look the most like her. :)
She is STUNNING. Like Really, Stunning.
Needless to say... it was an incredible concert. Also.. I didnt mention, but NeedtoBreathe opened for Taylor. They told us about their new cd and that we had the opportunity to not only buy it, but also meet the band after the concert. You better believe we jumped up, ran to the "merch" table and got those bands. Well, some of us. Sarah and I bought ours and the lady said, "Well you two are lucky tonight, you got the last ones!" Anna (who is standing in line with steph behind us) jumps up and says, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" Well unfortunately, she wasn't kidding. Kree, Lace, Sarah and I got the last 4 wristbands to the meet and greet out of 180 wristbands total. But wait.... Dont you cry or feel bad for steph and anna yet. After Taylor's concert we march over to the meet and greet. Kree strategically places us at the end of the line. And you better believe that by the end of the night not only was T (Taylor Swift) our biffle but so was Needtobreathe. They followed us out specifically to meet Steph and Anna PLUS we got THE ONLY picture of the night with the band!!!!! Sarah Beth has it on her camera... Will post later. Possibly the best night ever. until tomorrow night. Sunday, September 18th: Church with Rob and Mags. Lunch, football and lazy afternoon with Rob. THEN.... we had heard the previous night that Needtobreathe was doing a secret show with Ben Rector on Sunday night... So again, you better believe, Kree, Lace and I march down to the venue, stand in line, beg to be let in, we're told "No, the show is sold out." We (really just me, kree and lace were still devising a plan to sneak in) STORM off so mad at the bouncer (who was just doing his job) for being so rude. THEN, we hear, "Hey Girls, come back! Pay $20 and youre in" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH The rest of the night we enjoyed the tunes of Needtobreathe and Ben Rector in a very cozy 100 person atmosphere. *Bliss*
And then we just didn't want to go to bed because that meant the weekend would end. So...
Monday September 19th, 12:00am: Fox's Donut Den where Lace, Kree and I devoured a dozen blueberry donut holes. (Gracie- YOU WOULD LOVE THESE THINGS!) They are delish. And to top it all of... Lunch with Kree the next day.
Sorry for the long winded story... and the delay in posting but now you see. It was the Greatest Weekend!!!!!
This week... has been a whirlwind. Work work work. But I am grateful for this coming weekend because I am going to Tupelo. :)
Have a great weekend!
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