OK, so you can't judge me for a number of reasons. 1, I am not a baker. So all forms of sweets normally don't turn out just right and it stresses me to the max. You can ask my momma and rob. 2, I am no food blogger, therefore, I forgot to take pictures of certain steps in the process. 3, I am not a photographer so NONE of these pics are good, they are all yellow and blurry. But I had to document something and that leads me to 4, I felt like I was taking a little too many pictures for there not to be some kind of event, so for Rob and I's romance sake, I put the camera down. No pics of him or I either. :(
First of all, Rob is a chef, for those of you who didnt know, he has a little italian in his blood and it really shines through in the kitchen! He made this awesome MAC and Cheese plus stuffed Pork Tenderloin! I dont have a pic of that. He makes me so proud. It was beyond delicious.
Rob said yesterday he was going to cook us dinner so I offered making dessert. I chose cookie dough in a skillet (easy breasy), He said lets make those Samoas. uh hem ( NOT easy breasy) And let me just say, these things were a labor of love. BUT.... it was an activity for us, which you know I just loved. So... I did the baking.... The SAMOA recipe is here.
You can just call me Betty Crocker. It was so fun to kneed the dough, roll it out and use that little mason jar for a cookie cutter! IT made the perfect size cookies too!
Next... Robert unwrapped 30 little caramels, he loved doing this. Then he melted them in the microwave. I forgot a pic. oops. While he did that, I browned the coconut!
And we kept the chocolate melting on LOW... during this process.
When the caramel is melted and the coconut is toasted, you mix those two together and plop it on those baked shortbread cookies!
Then, once those have set and the chocolate is melted, you dip the bottoms of the cookies in the chocolate. Then take the extra chocolate and DRIZZLE.
I'd suggest making this activity for you and people you love, because it takes a while. Also, let the cookies set before eating, Rob tried them a little prematurely and the caramel was a little sticky. :) But shockingly, I had 4 in a row today. I must say our baking skills turn out to be a good as the girl scouts themselves.
Rob and I were talking about how crazy Valentines day is. The whole expectation thing and all the pressure for both parties. But really how boy's are always expected to do so much for this holiday. He wasn't complaining, he was actually saying how its a good reason to make boys step up and be romantic. Rob's love language is service and I must say, he serves well. I am so thankful for the way he serves, not only in our relationship but in all his other relationships. We enjoyed a fun, relaxed evening with YUMMY food.
While Valentines can be a little over the top, I love an excuse to be cheesy and do something out of the ordinary! It's such a fun day to go out of your way to tell people that you love them.
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