Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's been a long day's night

And I've been working like a dog.  That's right... work and life has been CRAZY.  August hit and you'd think I'd start school up again.  Don't know what it is about work and life that gets so hectic when August joins us. But, that's what happens and my life is no different.  With the busyness has come a little hardship and several lessons.  I have been learning more and more that I am not in control. But that I serve a God who is in control of EVERY detail.  Sometimes we want things SO badly, and then things just don't go as planned... that's when He says, Leah, you my child are wonderful but I will handle this one. And he does, perfectly.  We don't always see the "why" immediately, but he reveals that part slowly.  I may seem like I am being vague, but I am sure this relates to you in one way or another.

I've recently been feeling like this...


:)  Doesn't buying music cheer you up to?!

In other news..... I am working on my workspace at the office.  Here is some inspiration.

I'll update you on the results! Hopefully Ill get something together SOON!


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